Who is a carer?
This short video – produced by Carer Support Wiltshire – very clearly explains who a carer is – and highlights that many, many of our patients may not recognise themselves as being carers.
Our network practices all want to ensure that carers are not left to manage on their own – that we know who they are, who they care for – and that we can adapt and support our services to ensure carers are able to look after themselves.
What we can do for carers?
Each practice has a Carer Champion who works within the practice team to ensure any patient who either identifies themselves, or who we identify, as a carer is offered the chance to have their record annotated with their status as a carer as well as the opportunity to know about and register with East Riding of Yorkshire Carer Support Service.
If you are an unpaid carer, support is available to help you through some of the challenges you might face. This includes support for young carers and how you can take short breaks from your care responsibilities.
Your GP practice can work with you and help you get in contact with carer support – or you can have a look on the ER Carer Support Service website for information – including registering with them yourself.
Please click here to go to their website.
Why would you want to be registered/identified as a carer?
From your GP practice perspective it can be helpful to understand that you are a carer and that you might need to have appointments arranged around your carer responsibilities – having your record flagged in this way helps our reception team be alert to this.
Additionally, if you were to become suddenly unwell, hospitalised etc. it can be an alert to us that you might have a family member or friend that relies on you and can help ensure they are not left without support whilst you are recovering.
There are also many practical ways the carer service can help you – including, in some instances, financial advice and support. By registering with the service you can find out what is available in your area and you have the choice, then, of accessing activities or groups or perhaps even respite care to make it easier for you to go out and do the shopping or just enjoy some ‘me’ time.
Please contact your GP practice and ask to speak to the Care Champion to find out more about this service.
Page last reviewed: 30 October 2023