About us

Harthill Primary Care Network (PCN) is a collaboration of five GP practices, led by a Clinical Director, working together to support a common goal: to improve the health outcomes for our patients.

We know that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by but in the actions of our care teams in understanding our patient needs and working with them to deliver best possible care partnerships.

Our GP practices agree that, by working across geographical boundaries, we can help our teams and our patients overcome challenges, improve lives and support more people, more efficiently and more effectively, with a shared passion and energy, to deliver the best possible health outcomes.

The five GP practices who form Harthill Primary Care Network (PCN) all operate as individual, independent practices. The network is our opportunity to join forces in sharing best practice and innovation, combining experience and skills to the benefit of all our patients

Our Clinical Director is a Practicing Deputy Chief Clinical Pharmacist whose role is to guide and lead the practices in reviewing current provision as well as driving service redesign and delivery. The work of the Clinical Director includes supporting our practices in developing community focused services and forging closest possible links with hospital, social and community care providers to improve patient pathways on their health journey.

The role does not mean the Clinical Director is responsible for how network practices are run or how they provide services to their individual patients: that remains for the individual practice.

The member practices of Harthill PCN are shown below. Clicking on each practice will take you their own website where you can find out more details about them individually:

Who we are

Haroon- Pharmacist
Sally – PCN Manager
Aaron – Pharmacy Tech
Andy – Paramedic
Eleanor – Pharmacist
Jack – Paramedic
Jody – Senior Care Co-ordinator
Lianne – Digital and Transformation Lead
Shannon – Care Co-ordinator

Page last reviewed: 12 November 2024